10+ Virtual Primary Singing Time Ideas: for Primary Music Leaders 2021

Welp, here we are.  

The beginning of a new year. 2021.  Still wondering what is exactly going on and what the future holds ....aaaaand honestly, starting to feel a little like "Steve from Blues Clues" with all this virtual video stuff.

It's no lie, 2020 was a hard and confusing year for Primary Music Leaders.  We're still trying to figure out all the technical stuff and longing to be with our dear Primary children.

Singing all together.  Hearing sweet little voices.  Feeling their innocent testimonies. Seeing there smiles.  Sigh....  

Hopefully someday soon.  But for now, we will do our best.  We must do our best.  These Primary songs are too powerful of testimony builders and our Primary children are worth the challenge of mastering technology and overcoming in-front-of-camera phobia.  (is there a technical term for that?  Because I for sure have it).

Anyways, who knows when things will be in person.  So for now, here are some helps for your VIRTUAL SINGING TIMES.  It's a list we came up with to draw from for these times.  Hopefully they can help and lift another fellow Primary Leader.  Blessings to you!!!

25 VIRUTAL minutes are not the same as 25 minutes in person (oh how I miss the chalkboard to pin visuals and talking in the microphone) 

Snap out of it!!! 

Virtual.  Virtual, ok.

So they might not be exactly the same, but a lot of your Singing Time Ideas can still work, just with a little tweaking.  We can do this.

Here are a few ideas to help the kids interact, move, be engaged and stay focused while online at home!

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For each song you sing, the children need to find an "at home" instrument.  This could be paper cup/plate, a rubber band, 2 spoons, a piece of paper rolled up as a tube, a pot, a comb, etc.

Use that instrument as the beat, or as you sing each song.


After each song, quickly go out of camera and change something about your appearance.  You could quickly change your earrings, skirt, shoes, hair, a pin, scarf.

Have them raise their hand if they "spot it".  Then sing another song.

3-SCOOT! (I almost spelled Scott). 

Scoot is a cute way of saying move!  After each song, say "SCOOT" they move with the ipad, or electric devise to a new spot in their house.  Sing another song, then say, "SCOOT!"  

(If they need to stay in the same room, then just switch where they are seated/positioned.)

Play the primary song as they sing and wiggle/dance (I play mine on the Sing-Along app).  Randomly pause the music and have them freeze their body until you play the music again.  Have everyone watch to see if all children are FROZEN!  

This is a great one to do if you're reviewing a new song!

Before each song, ask a "Would you Rather" question.  Depending on which they prefer, have them do an action for the next song.  

For example: 
Ask, "Would you rather hold the golden plates or take a walk in the Sacred Grove?
If you answered, hold the golden plates, you will sing the next song standing on your tip toes.  If you answered walk in the Sacred Grove, you get to clasp your hands in front of your mouth (as if yelling).

The possibilities for questions and "ways to sing" are endless. Some suggestions are to make a list of "Would you Rather" questions having to do with the current years' book of scripture (2021's is the Doctrine and Covenants) OR maybe something that has to do with the next song you'll be singing.  

This link HERE might help of our "Different Ways to Sing" post.

As you sing/learn a new song together, sway scarves in a certain repeating order.  Have them watch you and follow the action.  Their "scarves" could be any piece of fabric they have at home such as a wash cloth, a paper towel, pillow case, etc.

This is also a great one to do if learning/reviewing a song.

(the shutter on my phone couldn't go as fast as his movement! Too much fun!)

This activity is to have the children guess the song title you will be singing next!  Have a list of songs written in large font on one large piece of paper.  Have the kids view and read them aloud as a group.  Next, pick (in your head) one of the songs that you want to sing next, then "mouth" the song.  SILENT.  Put your mouth close to the camera and MOUTH the song title.  Then see if they can guess!  Do it a few times if needed, then sing the song.

(Make sure you brush and floss before!!!)

8-Rock, Paper, Scissors, SING!
This is played much like "Would you Rather" listed above. 

Say, "rock, paper, scissors, sing"!  (Pick an action). 
Say you picked ROCK, who ever tied with you sings the song __________,
whoever lost (scizzors) sing the song _________,
and whoever won (paper) sings the song ___________.

You could let them know before hand what action they will be singing the song when they tie, lose, and win.  

Some example of different way to sing:
March, clap, stand on one leg, close one eye, nose plugged, on tip toes, pat beat on knees, etc.

(he's always ready to WIN!!!)

Pick a letter from the alphabet, then the children need to go find something in their home that starts with that letter.  Have them show that item as they sing the next song.  

For example "LETTER A!"  Apple, artwork, alligator (stuffed), alarm clock.  Sing the song holding that item.

Give them 20 seconds to run and grab!

Have your pianist start playing a song one note at a time.  Have the children raise their hand if they recognize it or know the song title.  Then sing the song.

Create a simple craft as you sing! Create a printable to be completed in steps as they sing.  This could be something to put together, a maze, word search, etc.  They could also draw/color a picture of what the song means to them as they listen and sing.


Ok are you ready for this????

We are going to create some new Primary members for our singing time today!!!
Make two dots on the knuckle of your pointer finger (non permanent marker), curl your finger, then wrap your thumb to meet the middle hinge in your pointer finger.  

Hold your new Primary member up to the camera and make sure they are singing for the song!!!!

If they don't want marker on their hand or their parents would prefer them not to, you can still make the mouth without any! Or you could have them use stickers :)

Well, that's a start!  Remember these ideas are for specifically virtual singing times.  And specifically helping them be engaged during the 25 minutes.  

Many ideas listed on our site can still be used with tweaking -so take a look around!  We will be posting more as we go along this year and would LOVE to hear any more idea that we can add to the list!!!!!

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Don't feel alone in your calling!!!!!  Here are some other helpful resources: 
-Camille's Primary Ideas HERE is AMAZING
-The Facebook Group Latter-Day Saint Primary Music Leaders HERE has tons of ideas.  Search specifically for Sharla Dance.  She has great ideas on getting the children to do rhythm movements.
-Another helpful blog is Singing Time Ideas HERE.
-and of course, Pinterest!!!!

***And remember YOU were called to this calling for a reason and by Heavenly Father.  Every Primary Music Leader is different and each has their own talents and do things different! Never feel inferior!  As you ponder, pray, have faith, He will direct you in how you should conduct your singing times for your sweet Primary children!


Some misc. notes:  

-My goal is to look into learning how to do screen sharing and change my background as we do Google Meet.  
-And also putting your kids on MUTE is a great idea before starting your singing time.  Something you could have them do is: "Put your hand on your head if you're on mute".

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