Mt Sinai Primary Singing Time

 In Exodus 25, the Lord commanded Moses to go up to Mount Sinai.  Once there, He met with him and gave him commandments.

Help our “Primary Moses” get to the top of Mount Sinai by singing 🎶🎵

The better they sing, the higher he goes!!!

I plan to choose a reverent child to come move Moses as we sing our Mother’s Day songs this week (Mother, I Love You and Dearest Names). I also want to sing the song Saturday and talk about keeping the Sabbath Day holy.

Another way to use this is to use Moses as the singing meter (control the volume of the song) - the higher he is, the louder they sing!

*you could also do some YODELING as a warm up to Singing Time 🏔

(view of the back)

I hope this inspires someone this week and good luck on your Singing Time!!


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