The Temple is the House of the Lord

In this weeks CFM lesson, it talks about Isaiah's prophecy about "the mountain of the house of the Lord".  So we thought it would make a good week for incorporating the TEMPLE in Singing Time!

To help the children understand what happens inside the temple, there is a great visual in this week's lesson (found HERE on

Print it out, color, cut, laminate and tape on the doors.  

(I ended up cutting off the tabs and skipping the slits by just taping on the doors.)  

Inside the doors, put a Primary song title.  Choose a child being reverent to come up and look inside a door, read the outside door, explain the picture inside and sing the song that is listed.

Some examples of songs that could be listed in the doors are:

Eternal Marriage: I Love to See the Temple
Confirmations for the Dead:  The Hearts of the Children
Sealing of Families:  Families Can be Together Forever
Baptisms for the Dead: Truth from Elijah
He will teach us of His ways:  Teach me to Walk in the Light of His Love

Again this is a great and fun way to help the sweet Primary children understand what happens in the temple and its importance. 

End with bearing your testimony of the temple and what it means to you and the Spirit is sure to be felt!


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