I Spy: Primary Children's Songbook

How well do YOU know the Primary Children's Songbook????

and I'm not talking about the music, I'm talking about the PICTURES ! ! ! ! !

When I was a little girl, I'd sit and study the images in the songbook as my mother would play the piano.  I LOVE the images created by Phyllis Luch and I thought it would be fun to create an "I Spy" activity out of the Primary Children's Songbook.

I flipped through the pages and found some fun and interesting details inside - some repeating.

Here is the rhyme and images to find:  (CLICK HERE for the google doc if you're printing)

And here are the page numbers that they are found on:

This could be a fun activity for your Primary children or all you music leaders!!!

Have fun searching and let us know what you find!! Also, be sure to follow us on FB, IG and Pinterest!!!


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